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I like the game, but the game broke down when I pressed "f" to enter the grass fields for the sugar cube.

I really liked this game. I loved the art and the music was reeaal nice. 

My biggest complaint would be, due to the fact this is a fetch quest game, you get lost in such a vast areas quite a lot. Fetch quest games can definitely be fun, and this one puts some fun little twists on it, but I don't think they're really for me. Also, I felt like I was getting whooped by the different insects when I tried to fight them, so I gave up on that and only ran away. I ended up giving up when a wasp killed me and I didn't even really know where I was supposed to be going at that point.

I super loved the different enemies. The roly polys were so cool. The fact they roll at you and can climb walls. Just awesome.

Great game! I can't give a real rating on the full game because I didn't get through all of it, but what I played was a butt load of fun!